Tax Preparation
Preparing your own income tax return can be a task that leaves you with more questions than answers. Whether we like it or not, today's tax laws are so complicated that filing even a relatively simple return can be confusing. It is easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled. Even if you use a computer software program for income tax preparation there's no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional.
My process is simple.....
1. After our initial conversation on the phone, text or email, we will schedule a time to meet. I will collect your documents and answer any additional questions you may have. At this time I will go over your papers, asking questions to fully understand your tax situation.
2. If you are a new client it is a good idea to bring last years return. I will be happy to review it and look for missed deductions or errors. (you must bring all source documents in order for a proper reiview to be completed)
3. I prepare all tax returns in my home based office. After completing your tax return I will contact you to set up a time for you to come pick up your return. At that time we will go over the completed forms and sign necessary papers to complete and e-file your return.
4. Once you approve your tax return and payment is received it is then e-filed to the IRS and appropriate state agency. You will be provided with a folder containing copies of all documents and forms related to your tax return.

Things to bring with you
To get started we will need:
Photo ID and Social Security Numbers and Dates of Birth for all individuals on the tax return
Last year's tax return
Addresses and dates of all places of employement for the year
Record of any estimated payments made
If you will be direct depositing a tax refund you will want to bring Bank information for direct deposit.
Basic items needed to complete your tax return:
All Income Documents W-2's, 1099's, 1098's, Unemployment, Interest, Social Security, Retirement, K-1 forms etc.
Alimony paid or received with ex-spouses ssn
IRA contributions , Education Expense records, Day Care Expenses with provider ID number
Market Place health insurance papers 1095-A
Property taxes billed or Rent paid
If Itemizing, you will want to check the list below for records needed
Bring any financial statements or expenses you have a question about. I will look over all your paperwork to help determine the best forms to file to be sure you pay the lowest tax and help you receive the largest refund allowable
See below for check list